Thursday, March 4, 2010

Technology Can Come in Handy

Last week was a hectic one. After getting a couple feet of snow, classes were canceled.

Except for curricular planning.

We used Elluminate Live to have our class online.

It was a little confusing at first to figure out how to connect to Elluminate, and then how to hear people talking. Nick was still able to do his microteaching lesson, which was nice. He did a great job taking advantage of all of this technology.

Unfortunately, my power went out about an hour into class. While I missed the rest of the class, what I did get to see through Elluminate, I liked.

It contains an interactive white board that everyone can right on. Also, if the people in the group you are working with all have microphones, you can all talk to one another, rather than typing conversations.

It's an interesting tool that I think makes learning fun!