In my class I learned about different methods that can be used with the social interactive model (SIM).
Our class was put into groups to learn about various methods.
My group was assigned Six Thinking Hats.
This method provides students with a problem. The problem is then looked at from different perspectives. Six to be exact. Each hat is explained below:
White Hat: This person looks at the information provided and makes an educated decision.
Red Hat: Decisions are made based on gut reactions and emotions.
Black Hat: People wearing the black hat look at the problem cautiously and defensively. These people look at all of the bad points to the decision.
Yellow Hat: People wearing the yellow hat are positive and optimistic.
Green Hat: People wearing the green hat find creative solutions to the problem.
Blue Hat: The person wearing the blue hat is generally the person who is in control of the meeting. Example: Chair of a committee.
This method is a nice way to show how people base their decisions on all different reasons.