Saturday, February 6, 2010

Micro-teaching...Don't Let the Name Fool You

The other day, I was the first to go for a micro-teaching lesson in my curricular planning class.

My mission: Five minutes to open the class in an interesting way and with an activity that would prove to be useful to the whole class full of future educators.

OK. How hard could this be?

I have to tell you...don't let the word "micro" fool you. There's nothing micro about it. It was more work than I thought it would be. I thought I would be able to quickly put something together.


I spent most of last weekend preparing the lesson. I created a KWHL chart, found a video clip, and wrote out everything I would say.

Well, the big day arrived and I got to campus early to meet with my professor for a quick "dress rehearsal". Turns out I wasn't as prepared for the lesson as I thought. My delivery of the lesson was not all that spectacular when I practiced.

I'm not the biggest fan of public speaking. It's a little nerve racking to stand in front a group of people and talk.

Thankfully, my professor gave me some tips that I think worked really well.

The lesson went, for the most part, as planned (There were a few technical difficulties...darn computers!). Once I started, I began to feel comfortable with what I was talking about and demonstrating, and my nerves calmed.

The best part...everyone seemed to learn something, including myself!

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