Saturday, February 13, 2010

What Kind Of Teacher Do I Want To Be?

Before class, I probably would have said my philosophy of education was that all children have the ability to learn and that it was the teachers job to make sure that students meet the standards for each subject area (math, science, social studies, ELA). After our class discussion, I am still not set on one particular philosophy. I would have to say that my philosophy is a mix between Essentialism and Reconstructionism. There needs to be respect and discipline in the classroom, and due to NYS standards, the core curriculum must be taught. I do think, however, that education should be used to better society. I want to be able to take the core curriculum and tie it into current events, allowing for students to work together, think critically and to become problem solvers. I think it gives meaning to what students are learning when they can connect real world issues with the curriculum. In return, this would hopefully peak their interest and have them continue to want to learn.

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