Sunday, April 25, 2010

Unit Plan Is Almost Done!

It has been a while since I last wrote. I have been busy, busy, busy working on this unit plan.

It's all starting to come together slowly, but surely.

Thankfully, we have been spending most of our class time working on our units.

I'm currently working on putting together my possible activities in my unit. I have a total of seven activities.

I have been having a hard time writing up these activities though, and I'm not sure why.

The part of the activity I'm having the hardest time with is the development.

In the development, you are supposed to write out what kind of strategy, model, and method you are going to use for that particular activity.

After this past week's class, however, I feel like I'm starting to get what I need to include.

I need to be very specific in this section.

For example, if my activity has students working in groups, I need to write how I will create the groups.

Once my activities are completed, I can then write up my culminating project and evaluations. After that I should be done!

Wish me luck!

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