Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's Time To Say Goodbye

Well we have finally arrived. The end of the course.

At the beginning I thought, "What have I gotten myself into?"

Now that we are at the end, I am happy to say that I wouldn't have changed any of it.

Yes, there was a lot of work. And yes, there were a lot of sleepless nights because of all the work.

All of that work, however, made me better.

I have more confidence than ever that I will be a successful teacher some day, and I have the work to prove it.

I have to be honest, I'm pretty proud of my unit plan.

Never would I have ever thought to do something of that magnitude on the Internet. Before this class I couldn't even tell you what a wiki was.

Blogging turned out to also be an enjoyable assignment.

As a past journalist, I used to be against blogging. I thought it was pointless, and just an outlet for people to ramble about their thoughts.

Well after having to blog for this course, I must admit, I now enjoy rambling about my thoughts.

It is an easy and fun way to reflect on what I learned, and share anything new I may discover in the world of education.

In the beginning of the course everyone I talked to that had taken this course with Dr. S in previous semesters said it would be overwhelming at first, but in the end you will see everything come together and make sense.

They were right.

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