Tuesday, November 2, 2010

DI Test Reflection

Dr. Smirnova posted the answers to the Direct Instruction test I took a couple of weeks ago.

I don't remember what I posted for my answers then, but I looked at the questions again, and I think I did okay.

I can say this, after spending so much time on DI the past couple of weeks, and looking at the questions a second time, I felt more comfortable answering the questions again.

When I took the test originally, I knew most of the information, but I wasn't confident in my answers. That has since changed.

I'm much more comfortable with DI and I think I owe a lot of that to analyzing a DI lesson plan, and then designing my own DI lesson plan.

Breaking everything down, as you need to do when writing a plan, helps me to figure everything out, and really drove home the concept of DI and all of the points that go along with it.

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