Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Planning, Planning, and More Planning

In our last class we learned that our Unit Plans must be four weeks long. We also began to discuss planning.

First of all, a plan is a "forecast" of the goals of the teacher.

Planning is done in stages. The first being pre-planning. In pre-planning, you need to think about the topic, audience, standards, etc.

Next is the planning stage. In this stage you actually sit and write out your plan, whether it be a unit or just a lesson.

The last stage is post-planning. In this stage you need to reflect on what went well in the unit/lesson, as well as what went wrong, and what you would do differently.

We also had to do a reading on lesson planning procedures prior to class.

Lesson plans help teachers to organize and deliver daily lessons.

Lesson plans are not set in stone though. As a teacher, you need to be flexible. Things come up throughout the course of the day and you will need to change the way you were going to deliver a lesson.

Maybe something like the fire alarm going off and losing time that way, or if the students just are not getting into the lesson and it is not working. As a teacher, you need to be able to think of how to handle these situations before they happen.

Make sure you have a plan B!

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