Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Scope, Focus and Sequence For Unit Planning

There are three essential parts to designing a unit. They are scope, focus and sequence.

Scope refers to the range in content to be covered. Focus is what will be emphasized in the unit, and sequence is the order in which the content will be presented.

The range in content (scope) should be based on the age of your students and also around the abilities of your students.

The focus should lead to titles which will interest the learner and help them understand why they are learning this particular topic.

Sequence may be done chronologically or thematically (simple to complex).

For my unit plan, I have the scope and focus figured out for the most part. As for sequence, I'm still working on that. Since I'm creating a unit on war, it's probably best to go in a particular order. It will most likely be done chronologically.

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