Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Making Assessment Authentic

Assessments, as well as learning, mean more to students when both are done authentically.

It should be meaningful to students.

How is authentic assessment different from traditional assessment?

Traditional assessment is curriculum driven. It consists of multiple-choice, binary choice, and fill-in-the-blank exams in which students merely memorize information for the test.

Authentic assessment, assessment drives curriculum. Teachers must design an assessment tool defining what the students are to master. The curriculum is then based on that.

Traditional and authentic assessment are characterized as shown in the table below.

Traditional -------------------------------------- Authentic

Selecting a Response ----------------------------- Performing a Task

Contrived ---------------------------------------- Real-life

Recall/Recognition ------------------------------- Construction/Application

Teacher-structured ------------------------------- Student-structured

Indirect Evidence -------------------------------- Direct Evidence

Examples of authentic assessment include performance-based tasks and portfolios. Rubrics are generally used to determine how well a student performed.

For more, check out this video regarding authentic assessment in schools.

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