Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Understanding the Connection Between Methods, Models & Strategies

Models and strategies go together. My problem since starting my career in education, was figuring out which model went to which strategy, however, I think I finally figured it out.

A strategy (in case you are unaware) is a series of steps. There are two different methods used in instruction; Direct and Indirect.

Direct Instruction
is matched with the Behavioral Model. It is the only model and strategy aligned. When is comes to Bloom, this method and model requires the lowest level of thinking (Remembering: reciting, recalling, labeling, matching).

Indirect Instruction is made up of every other model (Information processing, social interaction, and personal). In terms of strategies it looks like this:

Info Processing: Indirect/Inductive (Give question and look for answers on own)
Social interaction: Indirect/Interactive
Personal: Indirect/Independent

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