Saturday, July 31, 2010

WoW Project

My final project for this course required me to research and present information on the topic: The Use of Interactive Technology in the K-8 Science Curriculum.

Since my certification is going to be elementary school I chose K-8.

Science is really one of the best subjects to use interactive technology. Being able to use technology to view outer space just makes the material even more fun for the students.

Interactive technology also keep students interested. I know personally, if I had the choice of sitting at a desk and reading out of a science textbook, or playing with the SMARTBoard, I would choose the latter.

I made my power point presentation on Google Docs and then uploaded it onto Slideshare.

The only problem I had using Slideshare was that it did not allow any of my videos or links to work once it was uploaded.

I ended up just opening the presentation through Google Docs and then copying and pasting that URL into Moodle.

Not sure if it was the best way to do it, but it was the only thing I could think to do so that my classmates could view the slide show.

The things I liked most about this project was that now I have all of these great interactive sites to use when I teach science.

To view my presentation, click here.

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